

Acutonics is a noninvasive, deeply relaxing healing treatment, similar to acupuncture but without needles. Rooted in the principles of Oriental Medicine, Acutonics utilizes tuning forks, Tibetan bowls, and bells to stimulate your physical body and energy field to promote healing and wellness.

During an Acutonics session, you will lie on a comfortable table, fully clothed, while specially calibrated tuning forks are applied to specific acupuncture points throughout your body. The sound waves travel deeply into the body along energy pathways (meridians), supporting the body's natural frequencies to bring you into balance and wellness. This is a powerful treatment that can be both invigorating and relaxing.

The treatment focus may be physical, emotional, and/or spiritual. Nicole has used Acutonics to help clients with headaches, digestive issues, life transitions, menopause, back pain, insomnia, sinus problems, and many other concerns.

Acutonics Services:

Acutonics healing session: $90.00

Combination massage/acutonics session: 90 minutes, $170.00